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Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

For the year ended 31 December
2019 2018
Operating revenue 19 564,747,899 583,280,040
Operating costs 20 (299,166,486) (298,503,938)
Gross profit 265,581,413 284,776,102
General and administrative expenses 21 (223,525,052) (210,520,277)
Operating profit 42,056,361 74,255,825
Investment income 22 94,343,939 79,211,522
Share of net loss in an equity-accounted investee 6 (1,610,095) (6,629,084)
Other income 18,503,581 1,348,402
Non-operating profit 111,237,425 73,930,840
Profit for the year 153,293,786 148,186,665
Other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified to the
consolidated statement of profit or loss
Remeasurement of employee benefit liability 14 (8,547,741) 20,302,501
Other comprehensive (loss)/income for the year (8,547,741) 20,302,501
Total comprehensive income 144,746,045 168,489,166
Basic and diluted earnings per share 23 1.28 1.23

The accompanying Notes from (1) through (31) form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

